Kristine Landon-Smith in association with Theatre for Life


Theatre for Life, NHS, Solent Mind and Southampton City Council Empowering young people to Emerge' through the arts 

Theatre for Life CIC has teamed up with Southampton Children’s Hospital, Solent Mind and Southampton City Council Cultural Services in a cross-community film project titled ‘Emerge’. The project is part of the city-wide Mayflower 400 programme. 

‘Emerge’ will be a devised performance, humanising stories of communities dealing with hidden disability and mental health, connecting with audiences through stories of hope and resilience. Theatre for Life youth company will have the opportunity to explore stories respectfully and with authenticity using headphone verbatim with Kristine Landon-Smith and Neela Dolezalova. ‘Emerge’ will also be included as part of the Southampton COVID-19 Stories exhibition led by Southampton City Council. 

The collaboration between Theatre for Life CIC and Southampton Children’s Hospital will see young people working remotely with creative practitioners in verbatim theatre, scriptwriting, poetry and devising. The project aims to supports patient empowerment, self-esteem and resilience. Solent Mind, Hampshire’s leading mental health charity, will also be providing advice to participants needing support with mental health. 

Artistic Director and Founder of Theatre for Life CIC, Michelle Smith says: 'Emerge’ will provide an important creative lifeline at this time of crisis to support mental health. It will also improve access to arts and heritage for young patients aged 14-25 years old with long-term health conditions, some of whom are shielding and at higher risk from COVID-19. It will create a greater sense of community and social cohesion, dignifying stories around hidden disability and mental health through open and supportive dialogue’ 

Shealyn Caulfield (21 years old), one of the young actors living with Heart Failure and Congenital Heart Disease, says: ‘It is so important that we dont revert back to forcing the disabled and vulnerable back into isolation while the rest of the world carries on, but that we take the steps to come together and work with each other to create a safe and equal environment. Creative outlets and companies like Theatre For Life are giving young people the chance to be heard during this pandemic.’ 

Sarah Shameti, PEEER Youth Leader at Southampton Children’s Hospital says: ‘Emerge’ is a unique opportunity to give young people new skills whilst most importantly providing a place to have a voice, a platform to be encouraged to speak, to be valued and heard. We are looking forward to working with Theatre for Life to bring ‘Emerge’ to the surface and actively enabling young people to do the same.’ 

The project is funded by a Mayflower 400 Community Heritage Grant as part of the city-wide Mayflower 400 programme. The anniversary year seeks to celebrate Southampton, a city and a community, built on journeys and migration, whilst increasing access to and engagement in culture. The youth company will be exploring both their own journeys, alongside hidden stories of disadvantaged communities dealing with mental health in the aftermath of the Titanic disaster. The piece will be informed and empowered through historical research and community dialogue to celebrate the resilience of our youth company and the Southampton communities following the infamous tragedy. 

Caterina Loriggio, Mayflower 400 Southampton Anniversary Director said: “We are thrilled to be able to offer Theatre for Life a Mayflower 400 Community Heritage Grant and wish them all luck with it. Their project combines a heritage story with contemporary experiences and reaches often overlooked participants and audiences in a unique way. It engages young people in critical thinking, whilst allowing them to also creatively explore local stories in an empathetic way.” 

‘Emerge’ is also supported by Arts Council of England thanks to public funding from the National Lottery and the #iwillFund through the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation. Theatre for Life is supported by The Baring Foundation for their community work in using the arts to support mental health over the next 12 months. 

You can watch the ‘Emerge’ film at public screenings in 2021, with the support of Southampton City Council Cultural Services, dates to be announced. 

www.theatreforlife.co.uk Instagram: @theatreforlife Twitter: @theatre_life2 Facebook: @Theatreforlife